Evaluation of the Perception and Participation in Continuing Professional Development Among Physiotherapists in South-Western, Nigeria


  • Ashiyat Kehinde Akodu UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS
  • Babatunde Lekan Ileyemi Department of Physiotherapy, College of Medicine University of Lagos
  • Elijah David Ekanem Department of Physiotherapy College of Medicine University of Lagos




Continuous Professional Development, Perception, Barriers, Participatio


BACKGROUND: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes are important components of professional training to maintain competence. In spite of the documented relevance of CPD on professional development, it remains unclear as to the level of participation or perception of physiotherapists in CPD activities.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to provide insight into perception, participation and barriers towards CPD among physiotherapists in south-western Nigeria.

METHODS The study was an analytical cross-sectional survey involving 143 physiotherapists. All subjects were evaluated using a 27 item questionnaire that sought information on bio data, clinical practice issues, perception, participation, and barriers regarding CPD. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20 and summarised using descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation, bar charts, pie charts and tables. Spearman’s Rank Order was used to find the relationship between variables.

RESULTS: The reported experience of the respondents showed that forty-five (31.50%) of the participants had worked for less than five years while 41(28.70%) had worked for more than 10 years. A significant number of physiotherapists showed good attitude towards CPD. 88.70% recognized CPD as an integral aspect of being a modern health care, 81.90% reported that CPD is another perspective of clinical effectiveness, 77.60% also accept that CPD incorporates clinical proficiency into clinical practice. 94% of the respondents have engaged in CPD since graduation with majority doing less than 5 CPD courses yearly. There was a significant relationship between number of CPD courses taken yearly and the professional cadre of the respondents (p=0.002). Majority, (37.6%) of the respondents identified financial constraint and lack of CPD in area of interest (21.6%) as well as lack of motivation (16%) as constraints to participation in CPD programmes.

CONCLUSION: Physiotherapists demonstrated positive attitudes towards CPD. Financial Constraints, lack of CPD in area of interest as well as lack of motivation were identified as main barriers at practice facilities, thus stressing the need to motivate healthcare personnel in their quest to improve skills. There should be need for reforms to develop targeted and cost-effective CPD programmes to improve professional competence and emphasis on some informal forms of CPD that would be easier to engage in depending on the learning objectives of the professionals.




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Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of the Perception and Participation in Continuing Professional Development Among Physiotherapists in South-Western, Nigeria. (2017). Nigerian Journal of Medical Rehabilitation, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.34058/njmr.v19i1.147