Effect of the Use of Personal Hearing Protective Devices Among Oil Depot Industrial Workers in Lagos, Nigeria


  • Abe Olusola Taye Department of Communication Pathology, Audiology Unit, Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria
  • M Soer
  • K Abiodun




noise-induced, hearing, protective, conservation and devices


Background: Noise-induced hearing loss is a major occupational health hazard (Hong O, 2005) .There is lack of use of hearing protectors to prevent noise- induced hearing loss in the oil industry in Nigeria. It poses great challenges to hearing conservation programmes among industrial workers and employers. Management of noise - induced hearing loss and the use of hearing protection devices at work have not been given adequate attention.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess and establish the need for use of Personal hearing protectors in preventing noise-induced hearing loss in the oil industry.

Methods: The study employed experimental research design using ex-post facto type on a multinational oil service company in Lagos, Nigeria. Fifty respondents at the production section were randomly selected after inclusion. The respondents were divided into two groups of twenty five each. A sound level 130dB was recorded at work place while respondents audiometric Pure Tone Average (PTA) was taken and analysed using differential statistics and t-test.

Results: A significant difference of hearing ability of hearing protector users and non- users was observed. Hearing protector users within the normal hearing level criteria increased from 48% to 56%, while non-users within the normal hearing level criteria decreased from 52% to 32% after six months of noise exposure.

Conclusions: The greatest advantage may be achieved by educating the public on the hazardous effects of excessive noise exposure and need to initiate programmes for workers and employers on the importance of use of Personal hearing protective devices to prevent noise - induced hearing loss among oil and gas industrial workers.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of the Use of Personal Hearing Protective Devices Among Oil Depot Industrial Workers in Lagos, Nigeria. (2012). Nigerian Journal of Medical Rehabilitation, 14(1.2), 40-45. https://doi.org/10.34058/njmr.v14i1.2.48