Effectiveness of acupuncture treatment and eccentric overloading exercises for chronic Achilles tendinopathy- A case study


  • Ganiyu Oluwaleke Shokunbi Department of Medical rehabilitation College of medical sciences University of Maiduguri




Achilles tendinopathy, Acupuncture, Eccentric overloading exercises



Background: Much has been written in the scientific literature about the conservative management of Achilles tendinopathy (AT). However, the effects of  acupuncture treatment in combination with eccentric  calf  loading exercises appeared not  to have been extensively researched.

Objective:  The objective of this study is to describe the subjective pain and functional improvements of a patient with chronic Achilles tendinopathy following a treatment plan incorporating acupuncture and eccentric calf muscle stretching exercises using a single case study

Methods:  A single case report on a 35 year-old female runner with two months history of right ankle pain, at the back of the heel following a 10km twice weekly to three times a week run. The main findings of the subjective and objective assessments were functional limitation due to pain when running, decrease active and passive range of movements in dorsiflexion and eversion movements in the right ankle and thickening of the right Tendoachilles. The treatment approach consisted of acupuncture with manual stimulation, and eccentric calf training, and ankle stretching exercises. Patient was treated twice weekly for six weeks.  Outcome measures included Verbal pain rating scale (VRS), Active and passive range of motion, Patient specific functional scale and a return to activities of daily living (ADLs). Assessments were carried out at the beginning of treatment, after six week of treatment and at 1 month and 4 month follow up.

Results: The outcome of the study showed improvement with pain reduction with a score of 7/10 on VRS in the first week to 0/10 after 4 months follow up.  The results also showed increase in the active and passive range of movements in dorsiflexion and eversion from the first week of treatment (active dorsiflexion= 200, passive dorsiflexion =220, active eversion = 100and passive eversion=150) to full recovery at follow up periods.  Patient was able to run at least 10 km twice a week without pain and standing up to walk from a prolonged sitting position was without pain.

Conclusion: The outcome of this study has shown that acupuncture combined with eccentric calf muscle loading may be effective in the management of Achilles tendinopathy.

Keywords: Achilles tendinopathy, Acupuncture, Eccentric overloading exercises




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How to Cite

Effectiveness of acupuncture treatment and eccentric overloading exercises for chronic Achilles tendinopathy- A case study. (2014). Nigerian Journal of Medical Rehabilitation, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.34058/njmr.v17i1.97